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Auteur : mathieulonglade

Philippe Gout, Translated by Hancock Hutton “The tribulations of international criminal law : A chronicle of the legal proceedings targeting the former Sudanese president” in Politique africaine Voulume 158, Issue 2, April 2020, pages 101 to 122

The ousting of former Sudanese president al-Bashir in April 2019 met with enthusiastic reactions from the academic community and international commentators, not least because it...

Barbara Casciarri, Abdalbasit Saeed, Translated by Hancock Hutton “”It all started with Bread-and-Butter Issues”. Interview with Abdalbasit Saeed about 2019 Sudanese Revolution”, in Politique africaine Volume 158, Issue 2, April 2020, pages 175 to 186

This interview, conducted by Barbara Casciarri, a researcher in Sudan for thirty years, with Abdalbasit Saeed, a Sudanese anthropologist, focuses on key moments of the...

Introduction to the topic – Carine Baxerres, Fred Eboko , Translated and edited by Cadenza Academic Translations, “The era of global health : The policies, the actors and the dynamics” in Politique africaine Volume 156, Issue 4, October 2019, pages 5 to 20

The last time that Politique africaine published an issue dedicated to health was in December 1987.  This special report aims to fill that thirty-plus-year gap, acknowledging the...