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Auteur : mathieulonglade

Introduction to the topic – Jean-Nicolas Bach, Raphaël Chevrillon-Guibert, Alice Franck, Translated and edited by Cadenza Academic Translations, “An end to authoritarian rule in Sudan ?”, in Politique africaine Volume 158, Issue 2, April 2020, pages 5 to 31

This special issue on Sudan was initiated in 2018 with the aim of studying the authoritarian practices of the Omar al-Bashir regime (1989–2019). Our intention was...

Khadidja Medani, Translated by Hancock Hutton, “Is the Subsaharan Al-Azhar on the path to resilience ? The International University of Africa and the fall of Omar al-Bashir” in Politique africaine Volume 158, Issue 2, April 2010, pages 81 to 100

The International University of Africa is an Islamic university founded in Khartoum for the purpose of educating foreign students. Although officially a transnational, independent institution,...