Hugh Lamarque, “Policing small communities : Rwandan law enforcement and the co-production of security” in Politique africaine, Volume 160, Issue 4, October 2020, pages 113 to 138
This article investigates the community policing mechanisms that work to keep Rwandan neighborhoods safe. While they rely to a significant degree on local, ostensibly voluntary participation in crime prevention, the central authorities in Rwanda are able to maintain a clear divide between those who act under their authority and those who act with their authority. The result is a highly efficient apparatus of local crime reporting in which the institutional boundaries of the state are unusually well defined. The empirical materials presented provide an account of local policing actors in Rwanda in a manner that has not been attempted to date, informed by eighteen months of fieldwork between 2013 and 2015.
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mathieulonglade (23 mai 2022). Hugh Lamarque, “Policing small communities : Rwandan law enforcement and the co-production of security” in Politique africaine, Volume 160, Issue 4, October 2020, pages 113 to 138. Politique africaine. Consulté le 18 janvier 2025 à l’adresse