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Lucie Revilla, Translated by Hancock Hutton, “Kayzan in the neighbourhood : party milieu and trajectories of distinction in marginalized neighbourhoods in Greater Karthoum” in Politique africaine Volume 158, Issue 2, April 2010, pages 33 to 55

Analysis of the social anchoring of the National Congress Party (NCP) in the working-class neighbourhoods of Greater Khartoum reveals the multiple registers of party affiliation and the organisational forms taken by the Islamic Movement in Sudan. I explore the forms of self-presentation shaped by affiliation to the NCP and the social rationales generated by the party’s work at the scale of the neighbourhood. The promotion of militants through ideals of morality is conditioned by party discipline and emotional labour within the local party structures, which both shape and repress individual dispositions.

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mathieulonglade (23 mai 2022). Lucie Revilla, Translated by Hancock Hutton, “Kayzan in the neighbourhood : party milieu and trajectories of distinction in marginalized neighbourhoods in Greater Karthoum” in Politique africaine Volume 158, Issue 2, April 2010, pages 33 to 55. Politique africaine. Consulté le 18 janvier 2025 à l’adresse

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