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Jane Guyer, “Magritte’s multiplicities and Warnier’s inspirations” in Politique africaine Volume 148, Issue 4, October 2017, pages 143 to 147

Warnier’s article offers great stimulation to revisit several lines of thought about the spiritual world in everyday life. The importance of analogical thought, which he alludes to as the Magritte effect, is a very important line of enquiry into complexly turbulent day-to-day worlds. Although social life may always have had some of these dynamics, and our discipline has alluded to these, the cases Warnier presents are surprises of current daily life. I would be inspired by his paper to revisit my own lecture on “The quickening of the unknown”: Epistemologies of surprise in anthropology (The Munro Lecture, 2013), and my own topics on economic anthropology, to which he alludes. As he defines the Magritte effect, “all conditions are brought together to merge the discursive terms and the representations with the crisis event.”

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mathieulonglade (21 mai 2022). Jane Guyer, “Magritte’s multiplicities and Warnier’s inspirations” in Politique africaine Volume 148, Issue 4, October 2017, pages 143 to 147. Politique africaine. Consulté le 12 février 2025 à l’adresse

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