Domingos Manuel do Rosário, Elísio Emanuel Muendane, Translated by Laura Garmeson, Edited by William Nylen, ““To be registered ? Yes. But voting?” – Hidden electoral disenfranchisement of the registration system in the 2014 elections in Mozambique”, in Politique africaine Volume 144, Issue 4, October 2016, pages 73 to 94
Starting from one system (the electoral census) and one concrete object (voter cards), the article examines the voting equipment directory, focusing on the national elections of 2014. Based on thirty interviews and participant observation in the provinces of Nampula, Zambezia, Manica, and Maputo, this article provides an understanding of the hidden meaning and discrimination around electoral identification techniques, focusing on the various ways that actors make use of voter cards. In this way, it analyzes the market of voting materials, their ownership, and the political controversies associated with them to highlight the different ways in which the objects circulating in the electoral market are misappropriated.
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mathieulonglade (21 mai 2022). Domingos Manuel do Rosário, Elísio Emanuel Muendane, Translated by Laura Garmeson, Edited by William Nylen, ““To be registered ? Yes. But voting?” – Hidden electoral disenfranchisement of the registration system in the 2014 elections in Mozambique”, in Politique africaine Volume 144, Issue 4, October 2016, pages 73 to 94. Politique africaine. Consulté le 18 janvier 2025 à l’adresse