Michelle Engeler, “Guinea in 2008 : The unfinished revolution” in Politique africaine Volume 112, Issue 4, October 2008, pages 87 to 98
Guinea’s political transition seems never ending. In 2008, strikes, riots and clashes affected country and state. In the light of the events of 2006 and 2007, it is a question of interpretation whether the “revolution” finally came to a close in 2008 or if it is still going on. Within and beyond these interpretations, the Guinean military play an important but hardly predictable role. However described, the political scene looks like a paltry theatre and Guinean citizens, tired of political and economic difficulties, are more and more impatient.
Read the full text : https://www.cairn-int.info/journal-politique-africaine-2008-4-page-87.htm?contenu=resume
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mathieulonglade (18 mai 2022). Michelle Engeler, “Guinea in 2008 : The unfinished revolution” in Politique africaine Volume 112, Issue 4, October 2008, pages 87 to 98. Politique africaine. Consulté le 12 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/sy00