Sverker Finnström, “An African hell of colonial imagniation : The Lord’s Resistance Army/Movement in Uganda, another story” in Politique africaine Volume 112, Issue 4, October 2008, pages 119 to 139
The Lord’s Resistance Army/Movement (LRA/M) in Uganda is now world infamous for its violence. As most observers, including academics, have dismissed the LRA/M on moral grounds, they have disqualified the movement as non-political, rebels without a cause other than their allegedly bizarre syncretic beliefs. This article indicates an alternative or perhaps complementary direction. In presenting something of a rarity in the academic literature on the war in Northern Uganda, the article examines actual LRA/M documents, arguing that there is a continuity in the claims and political grievances put forward by the LRA/M throughout the years.
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mathieulonglade (18 mai 2022). Sverker Finnström, “An African hell of colonial imagniation : The Lord’s Resistance Army/Movement in Uganda, another story” in Politique africaine Volume 112, Issue 4, October 2008, pages 119 to 139. Politique africaine. Consulté le 14 septembre 2024 à l’adresse