Celebrating Forty Years of Politique africaine. Interview with Sandrine Perrot, CERI, 14/06/2021
Politique africaine is a French journal of African studies, first published in 1981. Published by Karthala, Politique africaine is a multidisciplinary peer review journal centred on the analysis of politics in Africa. Founded as a clear departure from conventional approaches on Africa, it has emerged, in France and abroad, as a reference publication. This year, the journal celebrates 40 years of existence and 162 issues. Interview with Sandrine Perrot, a long-standing member of the journal and Director of the publication.
This year, Politique africaine celebrates 40 years of existence and 160 issues! What is the genesis of this intellectual project and the journal first published in 1981?
One hundred sixty-two issues in fact! The anniversary issue will be a double issue, rather exceptional because for this 40th anniversary, no fewer than 25 authors, invited by the journal’s chief editors, Vincent Bonnecase and Julien Brachet, have agreed to contribute to a reflection on “Africa and the Social Sciences: Bottoms, Debates, Battles (“L’Afrique des sciences sociales: bas, débats, combats”). Lire la suite ICI
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Sandrine Perrot (15 juin 2021). Celebrating Forty Years of Politique africaine. Interview with Sandrine Perrot, CERI, 14/06/2021. Politique africaine. Consulté le 18 janvier 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/sxxz